In the mood for some private time pampering oneself immersed in a hot spring? Just 2 hours away from Denpsar are these Angseri Hot Springs featuring two open pools and 4 private cabins, enabling you to enjoy this rejuvenating experience in peace. As the location is quite popular as a wedding destination, there are plenty of Bali wedding villas located about the place and accommodation can be sought in these places as well. However, if looking for the best luxury villas Bali has on offer, Alila Villas Soori may serve as an interesting choice. Previously a traditional bath house for locals, the Angseri hot springs are perfect for a quiet getaway from the crowd. While the open air pools are free, a relatively small fee is charged for the private cabins, which are cleansed and water emptied after every visitor. The place is surrounded by green vegetation predominantly bamboo while lush paddy fields are seen rolling out surrounding the springs. Full of sulphates and minerals, the water takes on a milky green colour and is said to be therapeutic as well, a factor which draws more and more visitors to this enchanting place.

Jayani Senanayake is a writer who dabbles in travel and all things exotic. Under the pseudonym of Calliope Sage, she writes of the allures that must simply be discovered. Google+