Escape to Maldives for one remarkable leisure holiday experience. Find ideally located accommodation in Maldives preferably at a reputed Maldives resort such as Anantara Dhigu Maldives. Although there are plenty of water sports to enjoy in the islands why not take a chance on experiencing something new and more exciting? The Lamborghini of water rockets, the Cayago Magnum awaits ardent leisure travellers looking to enjoy the thrill of a lifetime. Said to have been engineered with ground-breaking new technology, Cayago Magnum lets you delve into the crystal-clear depths of the lagoon. With a speed of 20 kilometres per hour, the Cayago will take you on a ride to remember.


Thanuja Silva is a travel writer who writes under the pen name Auburn Silver. She has a passion for fashion and a deep interest in admiring new and exotic attractions around the world.
