Having the distinction of being the largest city of the state of Indonesia, the city of Jakarta is the most populated in South East Asia. The city has also been observed to have developed far more rapidly than other cities in the vicinity such as Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur indicating its rapid economic growth and influx of investment into the heart of Indonesia.

Culturally, Jakarta is a rich cultural melting pot with the ancient ethnic group known as the Betawi, essentially descendents of those who lived in and around Batavia being prominent. Other ethnic groups include a Chinese community as well which ultimately influenced the Batawi culture. The Indonesian government has made great efforts to protect and preserve the local culture and ancient traditions and as a result, in 1945 alone, around twenty five museums were in operation. By 2010, this number increased to two hundred and eighty one with a stunning eighty museums being run by the state.

Thus, for those who wish to immerse themselves in the local culture and observe how traditions and practices are followed by the natives, making a visit to these museums is paramount. In Jakarta alone, fifty such museums are being operated for this exact purpose. For instance, the Jakarta History Museum, the Maritime Museum, the Museum Bank Indonesia and the Wayang Museum are noteworthy as being some of the most iconic of its kind in the city. For an even better insight into the cultural traditions of the natives, the Fine Art and Ceramic Museum make for an ideal stop and is greatly complemented by the Jakarta Textile Museum.

However, the culture of a city cannot be restricted to its museums alone as its own unique cuisine plays a great role in the moulding of such a culture. While in the city, sampling the famous local dish known as Soto Betawi is an absolute must while local restaurants serve up delectable and delicious meals that are definitely worth sampling.

Stay at a place of the calibre of Somerset Berlian Jakarta and discover the rich culture of the city. The truly wonderful nature of Jakarta accommodation is whether you reside in a hotel or a Jakarta serviced residence, simple yet great meals are often just around the corner!


Pushpitha Wijesinghe is an experienced independent freelance writer. He specializes in providing a wide variety of content and articles related to the travel hospitality industry.
